Attacking frontend from all fronts

Rebeka Kovačič
2 min readDec 29, 2020

… or tips on resources worth sharing.

While lurking on the Internet I have discovered web dev resources that inspired me, expanded my knowledge and are all in all ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.

Without further ado:


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

A Mind for Numbers by Dr. Barbara Oakley offers great tips on how to combine creative and analytical ways of thinking when learning new concepts. Topics she talks about: switching between focused and diffused mode of thinking, Einstellung effect (getting stuck when solving a problem as a result of being fixated on a specific approach), how to avoid procrastination and how to enhance your memory to name a few.


Khan Academy. One of my beloved providers of online courses out there. Find a topic of your interest and most likely it is already on their page explained in a simple manner with exercises and gamification to boot.
Accidentally or not, they have also made the best motivational video. 💎

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Web Dev Simplified & Programming with Mosh. Speaking of simple, I’ve found these two YouTube channels extremely useful for repetition or hearing an extra explanation. In addition to the short explanation videos they both offer tutorials and courses which are still on my list.


if/else (currently on pause) and Command Line Heroes podcasts for a relaxed and cosy code-inspired intermezzo. d-.-b

Feel like sharing your own tips? It releases the happy hormones!



Rebeka Kovačič

Curious developer with biotech background. From code of life to code for life. Slovenian living in Sweden.